Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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(Numbers in parenthesis are the individual disk numbers)
Volume A1 -- Animals #1 (10,11,12,23) 145 pictures in IMG or TNY format,
from a number of sources, including 19th century drawings and Macintosh
public domain images.
Volume B1 -- Food #1 (13,14,36,37) 142 pictures comprise this album.
Disk 13 consists of TNY files (Current Notes disks 249 and 250). The
other three disks are in IMG format, drawn from modern-day and 19th
century sources.
Volume C1 -- Oriental Designs (73,74,95,96) These designs are drawn
from Chinese, Japanese and other oriental sources. The files include
images of flowers, vases, japanese crests, birds and cats.
Volume D1 -- Drop Caps #1 (25,35,51,52) This volume includes nine sets
of illustrated capitals useful as drop-caps. All files are in IMG
format. The alphabets include Animals, Old Scroll, Roccoco, Uncial,
Drop Caps 1&2, Gothic Chancery, Celtic Knots, Ornate, and Westminster
Abbey. The last set includes several related printer's ornaments.
Volume D2 -- Drop Caps #2 (117,118,119,126) This volume of
drop caps contains four single-style alphabets, plus two groups drawn
from a number of different alphabets. └Wave" (117) is an unusual and
lovely set, └Circus" is a boldly-drawn alphabet.
Chrysanthenum" uses a finely-detailed image of
that flower as a backdrop for all of the letters,
while the modern-style └Stars" uses a starry
pattern as a fill. Victorian and Decorative initials
complete the set.
Volume D3 -- Drop Caps #3 (151,153,155,158) 9 alphabets (all caps) are
included in this volume. Most of the alphabets, which come from older
sources, lack one or more letters of the modern alphabet. The alphabets
are └Floral" (from several sources, and complete), └Fat Chancery" (a
calligraphic style), └Rosart 1760" and Schwabacher," └Swirl,"
Amphiareo," └Jugenstil" (a pictorial set), └Scroll," and └Gothic."
Volume D4 -- Art Nouveau Initials (173-176) These four 800K disks
provide from four to ten drop cap initials for every letter in the
alphabet. The styles are all art-nouveau from a dozen or so illustrated
alphabets. Volume D5 -- Victorian Initials (192-195) Victorian
illustrated alphabets are the sources for these four 800K disks, which
contain over 200 files, with five to twelve images for each letter of
the alphabet. Styles vary from simple calligraphic forms to ornate
floral or pictoral styles.
Volume E1 -- Women and Men (99- 102) This volume consists of two disks
each of men and women involved in various activities at work and in
leisure. Each pair of disks contains 62 files.
Volume F1 -- Floral Designs #1 (17,38, 80,81) Most of the images on
these four d isks come from nineteenth and early twentieth century
sources, including the Art-Nouveau period.
Volume F2 -- Floral Designs #2 (141-144) This set is crammed full with
116 images spread across four 800K disks. Most of the images are in
modern styles, with some older styles included on the fourth disk.
Volume G1 -- Sports (56,87,88,97) This volume is a mixed bag of sports
of all kin ds, including baseball, football, swimming, olympic sports,
and more.
Volume G2 -- Sports & Recreation 2 (130,138,199,200) Recreational
activities of a ll kinds are included in this set, including one disk
containing nothing but softb all and baseball images.
Volume H1 -- Christian Clip Art #1 (21,113,136,139) These four disks
include a large selection of clip-art useful for Christian newsletters
or bulletins.
Volume H2 -- Christmas #1 (16,40,85,86) 92 IMG files for Christmas,
including Sa ntas, christmas trees, and more.
Volume H3 -- Christmas #2 (148,149,150,159) An even one hundred IMG
files for the Christmas seasons.
Volume H4 -- Autumn Holidays #1 (54,72,94,160) This volume contains
two Thanksgiving disks, one Halloween, and a disk with Halloween,
Columbus Day and Veterans' Day images.
Volume H5 -- Special Occasions #1 (177-180) From these 127 IMG files on
four 800K disks, one should be able to find the appropriate clipart for
any special occasion, whether it be a birthday, Oktoberfest, Jewish
celebrations, or other holidays. Three files are full-page borders
The rest of the files range in size from small to large.
Volume H6 -- Special Occasions #2 (Humorous) (181- 185) 111 IMG files
providing hu morous clip-art for almost any holiday or other special
Volume H7 -- Humorous Halloween (169-172) Four 800K disks filled with
Halloween images.
Volume I1 -- DTP #1 (18, 20,24,55) Mortise Cuts, Headers, and Printer
Ornaments to spruce up your publishing projects.
Volume I2 -- DTP #2 (114,121,125,127) Corners and Ornaments, and two
disks of frames and borders, for a total of 169 images.
Volume I3 -- DTP #3 (140,156,161,162) 88 Borders, 67 Corners, and 47
printer orna ments, all scanned at 300 dpi.
Volume J1 -- Humor & Whimsy #1 (104,131, 137,164) Four disks filled
with humorous or whimsical clip-art of various kinds, including sports,
children, families, and animals.
Volume J2 -- Humor & Whimsy #2 (165, 196-198) Four more disks covering
a variety o f humorous or whimsical images, of sports, children,
animals, and various activiti es such as gardening, shopping, cleaning
house, and so on.
Volume K1 -- The Office (44,45,103, 135) Four disks containing scenes
and objects found in the workaday world.